Monday, May 5, 2014

Baby Steps to Change....


We should all be taking baby steps in changing anything in our lives because they are small and easy to achieve!
Changing the way you eat is not a small task.  Trust me I know this!!  I don’t know everything but this I do know.  I for one am the instant gratification type of girl.  I want it when I want it and I want it NOW.  If I want to be 15lbs lighter it better happen overnight or I will not be satisfied.  Have you guessed that I have been disappointed in the past?  Having to wait to accomplish something has never been strength of mine.  So when I got my diagnosis of Gluten Intolerance with the likely hood of Celiac I was disappointed and relieved at the same time.  I knew that I would finally find relief in the symptoms that I had been suffering from.  I knew that I would finally get my hands back to near normal.
I jumped head first into my “cave man” diet to rid my body of the toxins that were overcoming me.  It was an all or nothing and I had to eliminate it all cold turkey.  No more chai tea in the morning or grains of any kind, milk, and Gosh forbid no CHEESE.  I mean are you kidding me???  But the results were amazing!  Did I see an improvement instantly?  NO WAY, ok well I felt a difference in about a week but it still wasn’t instant.  Would it have been easier to do it slowly?  Of COURSE!!! 
So what I am trying to say is start SLOW.  We all have bad habits of eating.  Too much sugar, too much fat, too much snacking, too many carbs, even too much protein.  I always took one step, one baby step at a time.  Right now our family eats 90% gluten free with myself and Dani being completely gluten free!  We have removed red dye and other artificial dyes from our kids diets when it is in our power to do so.  Do I let my kids have “treats” on special occasions?  Yes, but we also pay the price for it later on.  Making even small changes in your diets can make huge differences.  My challenge to all of you this week is to remove one thing from your children’s and your diets that are unhealthy and replace it with a healthier option or avoid it completely.

Some suggestions:
Eliminate soda pop
Change fruit snacks to dye free
Eliminate Red Dye
Add more fruits and Veggies (make fruit smoothies and add spinach)
Drink only 100% fruit juice
Cut sugary food
Cut snacking or offer a healthy snack instead
Have a meatless dinner night
Eat Gluten Free for one day
Choose Tazo Leaf tea instead of a latte

Post in the comments what you are doing and be accountable for your choice this week!!

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